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2000 Toyota Celica GT, GTS repair manual Preview image 1
2000 Toyota Celica GT, GTS repair manual Preview image 2
2000 Toyota Celica GT, GTS repair manual Preview image 3
2000 Toyota Celica GT, GTS repair manual Preview image 4
2000 Toyota Celica GT, GTS repair manual Preview image 5
2000 Toyota Celica GT, GTS repair manual Preview image 6

2000 Toyota Celica GT, GTS repair manual

Includes the following models

  • 2000 Toyota Celica GT Manual
  • 2000 Toyota Celica GT Automatic
  • 2000 Toyota Celica GTS Manual
  • 2000 Toyota Celica GTS Automatic

Engine: 1.8L, L4, diesel / gasoline
Production year(s): 2000

File specifications

File size: 36.21 MB
File type: PDF
Language: English (some of our manuals are multilanguage)

Printable: Yes
Estimated download time: 0.74 Minutes
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Product Information

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Maintenance
  3. Engine
  4. Cooling System
  5. Fuel and Emissions
  6. Transaxle/Transmission
  7. Suspension and Axle
  8. Brakes
  9. Steering
  10. Restraints
  11. Body
  12. Air Conditioning
  13. Electrical
  14. Wiring Diagrams

The 2000 Toyota Celica GT, GTS manual provides comprehensive information for mechanics, technicians, and owners, offering detailed instructions for maintenance, repairs, and troubleshooting. It includes essential details about the vehicle's engine, transmission, electrical system, and more, making it an invaluable resource for anyone working on or owning this model.

  • The pricing for this manual, handbooks, and repair guides is determined by the seller and may vary across different pages. We recommend comparing prices before making a purchase.
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