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2000-2003 Honda Foreman, Rancher TRX 350, TRX 350 D, TRX 350 TM, TRX 350 TE, TRX 350 FE, TRX 350 FM service manual

2000-2003 Honda Foreman, Rancher TRX 350, TRX 350 D, TRX 350 TM, TRX 350 TE, TRX 350 FE, TRX 350 FM service manual

Includes the following models

Honda Foreman, Rancher TRX350, TRX350D, TRX350TM, TRX350TE, TRX350FE, TRX350FM

  • Honda Foreman TRX 350FE - Electric shift, 4WD
  • Honda Foreman TRX 350FM - Foot shift, 4WD
  • Honda Rancher TRX 350TE - Electric shift, 2WD
  • Honda Rancher TRX 350TM - Foot shift, 2WD
  • Honda Foreman TRX 350D - Four-wheel drive, manual transmission
  • Honda Foreman TRX 350TM - Foot shift, 2WD
  • Honda Foreman TRX 350TE - Electric shift, 2WD
  • Honda Foreman TRX 350FE - Electric shift, 4WD
  • Honda Foreman TRX 350FM - Foot shift, 4WD

The serial number range for the 2000-2003 Honda Foreman, Rancher TRX 350 is as follows:

  • 2000 Honda Foreman TRX 350FE: 478TE220YA000001 to 478TE220YA019999
  • 2000 Honda Foreman TRX 350FM: 478TE250YA000001 to 478TE250YA019999
  • 2000 Honda Rancher TRX 350TE: 478TE300YA000001 to 478TE300YA019999
  • 2000 Honda Rancher TRX 350TM: 478TE320YA000001 to 478TE320YA019999

Production/model years: 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006.

File specifications

File size: 49.28 MB
File type: ZIP
Language: English

Printable: Yes
Estimated download time: 1.01 Minutes
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Product Information

Table of Contents

  1. General information
  2. Frame/body panels/exhaust system
  3. Maintenance
  4. Lubrication system
  5. Fuel system
  6. Engine removal/installation
  7. Cylinder head/valve
  8. Clutch/gearshift linkage
  9. Alternator/starter clutch
  10. Crankcase/transmission
  11. Front wheel/suspension/steering
  12. Rear wheel/suspension
  13. Hydraulic brake
  14. Battery/charging system
  15. Ignition system

This manual/handbook is a valuable resource for mechanics, technicians, and owners as it provides detailed information and instructions for servicing, maintaining, and repairing the 2000-2003 Honda Foreman, Rancher TRX 350, TRX 350 D, TRX 350 TM, TRX 350 TE, TRX 350 FE, TRX 350 FM ATV. It includes step-by-step procedures, diagrams, and illustrations to assist with any necessary repairs and maintenance.

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