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RepairLoader will be enhanced over time with more ideas and information around your car, bike or tractor (like with a how-to infographic about building a convertible). We also just updated our infographic for car safety instructions - take a look!

We also want to expand into a community option as soon as possible.


All repair manuals are provided "as is" and come from various sources. If you need help after purchase: we will answer to your questions via email.

Heavy machinery

We also feature some service manuals for heavy machinery like:
Wheel loader manuals can be also found and downloaded.

Looking for a manual online?

Are you in need of an online manual? Look no further! [RL] marketplace is a leading global platform for English and multilingual manuals, offering an extensive collection of over 12,000 manuals for various vehicles and machinery such as cars, bikes, tractors, agricultural machinery, heavy machinery, forklifts, outboards, snowmobiles, and more. You can conveniently download the manuals in PDF format instantly after making payment via PayPal, credit card, or even bitcoin. With over 12 years of experience and a vast number of satisfied customers, you can trust us for all your manual needs.

Please note that our marketplace is currently undergoing restructuring, and as a result, we are unable to accept new sellers at the moment. Rest assured, we will promptly notify you as soon as registrations become available again. Thank you for your understanding.