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Euro Pro 605 sewing machine instruction manual

Includes the following models

605 / Euro Pro

File specifications

File size: 17.60 MB
File type: PDF
Language: English , Espanol, French

Printable: Yes
Estimated download time: 0.36 Minutes
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Product Information

Table of Contents

  1. Fitting the snap-in sewing table
  2. Connecting machine to power source
  3. Changing the bulb
  4. Two-step presser foot lever
  5. Attaching the presser foot holder
  6. Winding the bobbin
  7. Inserting the bobbin
  8. Changing the needle (System 130/705H)
  9. Threading the upper thread
  10. Automatic threader
  11. Thread tension
  12. Bringing up the lower thread
  13. Reverse sewing / Changing sewing directions
  14. Removing the work
  15. Matching needle / fabric / thread .. 32
  16. Foot pressure regulator / Thread cutter 35
  17. How to choose your pattern . 37
  18. Straight stitching and needle position . 39
  19. Zig zag sewing 41
  20. Blind hem / lingerie stitch ..43
  21. Overlock stitches .. 45
  22. Sewing on buttons .. 47
  23. How to sew buttonholes 49
  24. Zippers and piping .. 51
  25. Sewing with the hemmer foot .. 53
  26. 3-step zig zag ... 55
  27. Stitch selection .... 57
  28. Smocking stitch ..59
  29. Sewing with the cording foot
  30. Free motion darning
  31. Practical stitches
  32. Darning
  33. Attaching lace
  34. Appliqué
  35. Twin needle
  36. Monogramming and embroidering with embroidery hoop
  37. Quilting
  38. Gathering
  39. Scallop stitching
  40. Patchwork
  41. Maintenance
  42. Troubleshooting guide

The Euro Pro 605 sewing machine manual is an essential resource for mechanics, technicians, and owners. It provides comprehensive information on machine components, maintenance procedures, troubleshooting techniques, stitching techniques, and advanced features, making it an invaluable tool for anyone working with or using this sewing machine.

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