182 182F 182G 182H 182J 182K 182L Skylane / Cessna Aircraft Company
- 1963 - Cessna 182F Skylane
- 1964 - Cessna 182G Skylane with avionics improvements
- 1965 - Cessna 182H Skylane with interior upgrades
- 1966 - Cessna 182J Skylane with enhanced engine performance
- 1967 - Cessna 182K Skylane with retractable gear option
- 1968 - Cessna 182L Skylane with improved fuel efficiency
182 or SKYLANE - 1963 - 182F - 18254424 - 18255058
182 or SKYLANE - 1964 - 182G - 18255059 - 18255844
182 or SKYLANE - 1965 - 182H - 18255845 - 18256684
182 or SKYLANE - 1966 - 182J - 18256685 - 18257625
182 or SKYLANE - 1967 - 182K - 18257626 - 18258505
182 or SKYLANE - 1968 - 182L - 18258506
Production/model years: 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967
Manual for: Four-seat, single-engined light airplane