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Discover Singer Service and Repair Manuals

Dive into our extensive collection of Singer manuals, essential for sewing machine maintenance and repair. These manuals are vital resources for Singer sewing machine owners and repair technicians.

About Singer:

Singer is a storied brand in the world of sewing machines, renowned for its durable and innovative machines. With a history spanning over a century, Singer has been at the forefront of sewing technology, offering a range of machines for both home and commercial use.

The Importance of Singer Manuals:

For sewing enthusiasts and repair professionals, Singer manuals are more than just guides; they are indispensable for the proper maintenance and repair of Singer sewing machines. These manuals provide detailed instructions to ensure machines operate at their best.

Keeping Up-to-Date:

We regularly update our collection to include the latest manuals for both new and vintage Singer models, ensuring you have the most current information available.

Manual Pricing:

Note that prices for Singer manuals are set by individual sellers on our platform, leading to potential variations for the same manual. We recommend comparing prices to find the best deal.

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Singer Stylist 513 Zig Zag sewing machine instruction manual
Singer Stylist 513 Zig Zag sewing machine instruction manual

513 Zig Zag / Singer Corporation

Singer Stylist 513 Zig Zag


  • Singer Stylist 513 Zig Zag Model
2000 Singer Athena sewing machine manual
2000 Singer Athena sewing machine manual

Athena 2000 / Singer Corporation

Singer Futura CE-150, CE-250, CE-350 sewing machine user´s manual
Singer Futura CE-150, CE-250, CE-350 sewing machine user´s manual

Singer Futura

  • Singer Futura CE-150
  • Singer Futura CE-250
  • Singer Futura CE-350
Singer 5417C, 5430C sewing machine instruction book
Singer 221 sewing machine service manual
Singer 221 sewing machine service manual

Singer Machine 221

  • Serial numbers: Range from NA000001 to NA999999.
Singer 4421, 4423 sewing machine service manual
Singer 4421, 4423 sewing machine service manual
  • Singer 4421 Heavy Duty Sewing Machine
  • Singer 4423 Heavy Duty Sewing Machine
  • Serial Numbers:
    • Singer 4421: Serial numbers beginning with Y814
    • Singer 4423: Serial numbers beginning with Y813