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Husqvarna 350 computer sewing machine operating manual Preview image 1
Husqvarna 350 computer sewing machine operating manual Preview image 2
Husqvarna 350 computer sewing machine operating manual Preview image 3
Husqvarna 350 computer sewing machine operating manual Preview image 4
Husqvarna 350 computer sewing machine operating manual Preview image 5
Husqvarna 350 computer sewing machine operating manual Preview image 6

Husqvarna 350 computer sewing machine operating manual

Includes the following models

- Husqvarna 350
- Husqvarna 350C
- Husqvarna 350D

File specifications

File size: 7.32 MB
File type: PDF
Language: English
44 pages

Printable: Yes
Estimated download time: 0.15 Minutes
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Product Information

Table of Contents

  1. unpacking, packing away
  2. connecting the foot control
  3. connecting to the power supply, accessory tray, sewing surface
  4. spool pin, threading upper thread
  5. bobbin winding
  6. placing the bobbin in the machine
  7. thread tension, correct and incorrect tension
  8. selectronic needle stop position, presser foot pressure, presser foot lift
  9. changing the needle, presser foot, lowering the feed teeth
  10. help window
  11. stitch selection, memory
  12. programming
  13. coorection, mirror image, stop
  14. CLR-Deleting stitches, utility stitches
  15. button holes
  16. straight stitches
  17. zig zag, 3 step zig zag
  18. mending and darning
  19. flatlock
  20. blind hem
  21. bridging stitch, seam and overcast
  22. decorative stitches
  23. monograms
  24. sewing hints
  25. fault-finding
  26. needles
  27. stitch table

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This manual/handbook is useful to mechanics, technicians, and owners as it provides detailed instructions on the installation, operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of the Husqvarna 350 computer sewing machine. It also includes parts diagrams and warranty information. Don't hesitate and download the repair manual you need now. You get a lifetime guarantee for the download, as described in our FAQs here. To contact the seller of the manual, please use our contact form here and we will forward your request or take care of it directly.

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