- D001 H1.50XM
- H1.75XM
- H2.00XMS
Serial numbers:
- Hyster D001 (H1.50XM Europe)
- Hyster D001 (H1.75XM Europe)
- Hyster D001 (H2.00XMS Europe)
- Hyster D001 H1.50XM - Standard model designed for medium-duty tasks.
- Hyster D001 H1.75XM - A slightly more powerful variant catering to higher load demands.
- Hyster D001 H2.00XMS - The robust model in this series, optimized for heavy-duty tasks.
Electrical systems of the mazda m4C1.5g gasoline
Electrical systems of the mazda m4C2.5d diesel
Electrical systems used on the mazda m4C2.0g