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Hyster-Yale C004 S60E, S70E, S80E, S100E, S120E repair manual Preview image 1
Hyster-Yale C004 S60E, S70E, S80E, S100E, S120E repair manual Preview image 2
Hyster-Yale C004 S60E, S70E, S80E, S100E, S120E repair manual Preview image 3
Hyster-Yale C004 S60E, S70E, S80E, S100E, S120E repair manual Preview image 4
Hyster-Yale C004 S60E, S70E, S80E, S100E, S120E repair manual Preview image 5
Hyster-Yale C004 S60E, S70E, S80E, S100E, S120E repair manual Preview image 6

Hyster-Yale C004 S60E, S70E, S80E, S100E, S120E repair manual

Includes the following models

C004 S60E S70E S80E S100E S120E / Hyster-Yale Materials Handling, Inc.

Serial numbers

  • Hyster C004 (S60E)
  • Hyster C004 (S70E)
  • Hyster C004 (S80E)
  • Hyster C004 (S100E)
  • Hyster C004 (S120E)

Perkins engine 4.236 & 4.2482
Rochester carburetor

File specifications

File size: 19.21 MB
File type: ZIP
Language: English

Printable: Yes
Estimated download time: 0.39 Minutes
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Product Information

Table of Contents:


Safety Information

Alternator Identification

Delco Alternators
Motorola Alternators
Leece-Neville Alternators

Installation Instructions

Operational Checks


Delco Alternators
Motorola Alternators
Leece-Neville Alternators

Service and Maintenance

Replacement Parts


Wiring Diagrams

Warranty and Service Information

The Hyster-Yale C004 S60E, S70E, S80E, S100E, S120E repair manual is a valuable resource for mechanics, technicians, and owners. It provides detailed information on maintenance, troubleshooting, and operation of the Hyster-Yale models, making it an essential tool for anyone working with these machines.

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