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168S, 168D / Sharp Corporation
AR 151, AR 156, AR F152 / Sharp Corporation
Sharp Corporation
Sharp AR-M207 Basic (2004-2006) Sharp AR-M207 Pro (2005-2007) Sharp AR-M165 Standard (2004-2006) Sharp AR-M165 Elite (2005-2007) Sharp AR-M162 Basic (2003-2005)
- MX-2300G
- MX-2700G
Sharp MX-2300N/MX-2700N
Sharp MX-3500N/4500N, MX-3501N/4501N
Sharp AR Series
- AR M350
- opt AR EF1
- opt M11
Ricoh Sharp Corporation
MX-M260, M310, MX-M260N, M310N / Sharp
SD 2260 / Sharp Corporation
Sharp SF 7320 Copier (No specific variants)
Sharp SF 7370 Copier (No specific variants)
AR M160, M205 / Sharp Corporation
AR C150, AR C160, AR C250 / Sharp Corporation
SF 2040/SF -D23/SF-DM11 / Ricoh Sharp Corporation
AL-2030, AL-2040CS, AL-2050CS / Sharp Corporation